Investors are increasingly incorporating the environmental, social and governance (ESG) data in investment decision making. Here you can find information on how we govern sustainability, our key policies and commitments, our ESG data and performance in third party ratings.
Environment, Social & Governance strategy, policies & data
Our approach
We create sustainable value by building consumer internet companies that address big societal needs.
Prosus has a long-standing, global reputaion as a responsible corporate citizen.
Social impact
We contribute to economic growth and connectivity, which are prerequisites for societal development in the 21st century.
Responsible investing
We invest responsibly using our three pillars of responsible investment.
Climate action
We take action to reduce our climate impact.
Responsible business
We are a responsible business with core group values.
Sustainability governance
An overview on our approach to governance.
ESG disclosures
Our latest Environmental, Socials and Governance (ESG) disclosures.
Remuneration report
Click here for our most recent remuneration report.